AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Triggered Events

Triggered events can be set up when the business rule behind the alert is based on the event.

To create a Triggered Event, click the Triggered Events tab and then click the at the top right of the page. A dialog for the event opens. For example:

The available properties are as follows:
  • Alert For: Currently only automated processes are supported. This is a mandatory field.
    Note: System Administrators may configure additional tables that are to have alerts placed on the data therein. To carry out his task refer to the Asset Manager Admin guide.
  • Description: Enter a description of the alert. It is important that a sensible description is entered as there may be multiple alerts for each of the items listed above and the description is the only way to quickly identify the alert details. This is a mandatory field.
  • Operation: Click the Operation dropdown and select the operation type. Available values available are: Insert,Update, or Delete. An operation type will depend on whether the alert has been defined to act on one of the following:
    • Creation of a new item – Insert.
    • The update of an existing item – Update. The ‘Update’ tab is only available with this operation set.
    • The deletion of an item – Delete.
    Note: The operation cannot be updated on a saved alert. If a change is required it should be deleted and re-entered.
  • Trigger Status: The status of the alert trigger will be displayed as a read-only value. This could be Enabled, Disabled or Not Created. Once the trigger has been created or edited it will need to be enabled. This is done by selecting the required alert and selecting the Create Trigger button.

    When the alert criteria are edited, the system will automatically drop the trigger so consistency is maintained, and a message will be displayed to the user to that effect.

  • Immediate Email?: When this box is checked emails will be sent immediately to the recipient(s) set up in the Mail Setup tab.

    This may generate a large number of individual emails. If this is the case then the batch email options below should be considered.

  • Batch Email Threshold: This field is available only if the ‘Immediate Email’ field is left unchecked.

    When emails need to be sent in a batch then the count of the number of emails to trigger the batch can be entered. If the ‘Batch Email Interval’ is reached before the threshold then the email will be sent.

  • Batch Email Interval: When emails need to be sent in a batch then the time interval can be entered.

    If the ‘Batch Email Threshold’ is reached before the interval, then the email will be sent. The interval is required because if a ‘Batch Email Threshold’ is never met then the required users may never be alerted as required.

    Note: Batching of emails will only take place based on the Batch Email Threshold and/or the Batch Email Interval. When both the ‘Batch Email Threshold’ and ‘Batch Email Interval’ fields are populated the batch will be triggered for whichever is the earliest.

To display the main event properties, press the show details button next to the event.

The Triggered Event dialog opens. Edit the event as needed, pressing Save when finished.

Change a Trigger Status

When a triggered event is created, its trigger status is Not Created. To enable the triggered event, click the event in the grid to highlight it. Click the Actions menu dropdown and click Create Trigger.

A success message appears briefly onscreen. The event’s trigger status changes to Enabled.

To change a trigger status from Enabled, click the event in the grid to highlight it and click the Actions menu dropdown. Click Drop Trigger. A success message appears, and the trigger status changes to Not Created.